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Freelance Platforms

Pacospain can be found on many places in the internet, we joined many platforms, and we also left a few platforms, reason is, bad managed, not user friendly, low quality, etc.

but places where you can find us, are all listed here, keep in mind we rather have you order from our website directly and deal with you directly, freelance platforms have restrictions of communication etc. besides that we have more payment options available then the freelance platforms, they are most of the time limited to PayPal and Payoneer payment processor. Besides that they have very high buyer fees and seller fees. A freelance platform like Fivesquid have the best seller fees for us and is simple and easy to deal with.

All Freelance Platforms

blacklist freelance platforms

Platforms You Can find Us

If you want to know more about us have a look here: About Us

Our Blacklist

Some Freelance Platforms we do not like, such as Fiverr and Legiit.

Admins think there are IT... however they lack the humanity in them. Fiverr is expensive and for newbies, to many useless options and very limited to offer services.

Legitt, seriously? They not so legiit as they claim to be. Admins are lame and are extremely selfish and do not handle issues like disputes at all well, they decide in about 2 minutes who is right and who is wrong, by judging the person, not the proof you provide, the platform has many bugs and the app is useless, only Pakistani and Bangladesh will be saying it is the best platform (only reason is because they can cash out with Payoneer) Legiit was lucky to get famous, but is slowly in fixing the issues and listening to their members.

A platform like Peopleperhour is not our favorite at all, expensive and has many bogus rules that only annoy you, however for the time being we will stay on there. There are many other platforms out there but we not interested in them, to crowded and their business model is not what we like. Psssttt... either way just use pacospain.com it can not be better anyway.

UPDATE: Fivesquid turned into a scam unfortunately it is sad that the owner decided to end like that - loses 1600 pounds + many of our clients

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